My Story
My Story
Being involved in sport has always been important to me, whether it was trying to achieve my best as a young athlete, coaching youth football or driving around the country watching my children compete. After realising I was not going to be a professional footballer I discovered an occupation that would allow me to stay involved with sport, help and educate people on how to manage and rehabilitate their injuries. I trained at Kings College London, gained experience within the NHS and then specialised in musculoskeletal conditions working with elite sports clinics and teams, with some excellent clinical practitioners who inspired me to study for an MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy at the University of Brighton and become a member of the MACP. I then became a Clinical Mentor to Masters Physiotherapy students and a guest lecturer on the Kings College London MSc Advanced Neuromuscular Physiotherapy course.
I have worked in the city for a number of years and understand the injuries associated with the corporate athlete, work related problems and lifestyle factors that affect pain and the strategies required to address this. Learning how to move with pain whilst trying to maintain function can be tricky. I have evolved my manual therapy and rehabilitation skills integrating more pain management strategies including acupuncture and CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) to focus on being active, keeping healthy, achieving a positive outcome and staying in the game.
Previously I have worked at the Crystal Palace National Sports Injury Centre treating elite athletes and within team squads at Tottenham Hotspur FC and London level rugby clubs, I also volunteered as a Physiotherapist at the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics and the World Athletics Championships 2017.
Physiotherapy Msc Manipulative therapy
Physiotherapy Bsc (hons) McSP
Manipulative therapy
Pain Management
Sports Injuries
Christopher Pettit
Reformer Pilates
Elinor East
Reformer Pilates
Peter Pope
Becky Nutt
Reformer Pilates
Megan Edwards
Reformer Pilates
Alex Smart
Reformer Pilates
Tegan Fletcher
Reformer Pilates
Tomasso Cairoli

Keya Shah
Reformer Pilates

Fara Sonday
Womens Health

Kamila Fuczko
Running Analysis

Gitta Gomory
Home visit