About Me

Hi I’m Elinor,  thanks for visting.

My Story

My Story



Sport and exercise led me to Physiotherapy at a very young age. My earliest memories are of visiting the local Physio and his then “high tech” gadgets, from the ultrasound machine, the pulsed heatwave and the TENS to settle down elbow pain after hours and hours on the tennis court. My brother and I started playing tennis at 3 and 5 respectively. Out of school hours you’d rarely see us without a tennis racquet in hand.  My love of sport and competition was cemented young and continues to grow. These days through running, cycling long distances, adventure bike packing and combining the two through Triathlon having recently competed for GB at my age category in Triathlon and Duathlon. 
I have always had a keen interest in the human body, the way people move, how they move and the extent and length the human body changes and develops to  achieve the most incredible tasks and challenges.  People also interest me, which is why I love what I do. Both working with great people, learning and listening, watching people grow in confidence and strength from surgery and learning to walk again or completing and racing ironmen, 24 hour bike races and ultra marathons. 





Physiotherapy Bsc (hons) McSP

Post Graduate Manipulative therapy

Womens Health

Clinical Machine and matwork pilates (including reformer)


My Goal

My goal as a Physiotherapist is to ensure I achieve the best for my patients and achieving their individual goal through setting out a clear strategy and management plan whether through pain relief, manual therapy and acupuncture to help them move better. To increase mobility, flexibility and strength to help patients move more and do more of what they love doing.

The Team

Working alongside Chris and the team at Movement Perfected enables me to achieve the best for our patients thanks to the knowledgeable team members, our connections to superb medical professionals in the field of Orthopaedic medicine, rheumatology, GPs, sports and exercise medicine, nutritionist, podiatrists and other specialists within their field.