Fitness Level: 0 TO 10 scale (0 – no activity, 10 – very active)


Personal Goals:





Fitness Assessment Exercises:


  1. Double Tabletop Prep (Polestar- table top)
  2. Bridging Level 1 (Polestar- bridging)
  3. One Leg Stretch Level 1
  4. Overhead Reach (Polestar- Arm arc)
  5. Clams Level 1
  6. Breaststroke Level 2 (Polestar- Dart)
  7. Push-ups
  8. Heel Raise
  9. Squat
  10. Roll Down (Polestar- Standing roll down)


With each of the exercises it would be good if we can link to explainations of the exercises if you have these.  And or can reference them from the ones I shared from polestar


And then we can do pictures of what we are looking for and what the reasons are for faults and how clients would work on these faults to improve their movement. 


Also have a tink of why these 10 exercises are important   here are example  lets work on this and find good ways to present them


Total Score: /30 (0–10 = Beginner, 10–20 = Intermediate, 20–30 = Advanced)

Fitness Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced (Tick one)


Aims of the Instructor:

Examiner Name:


Scoring Key:


  1. Double Tabletop:

0: Could not attempt the exercise

1: Could perform single-leg tabletop hold. Cannot perform double tabletop without back arching.

2: Can perform a double tabletop but for less than 20 seconds.

3: Can perform double tabletop with a neutral pelvic tilt maintained for more than 20 seconds.


  1. Bridging Level 1:

0: Could not attempt the exercise

1: Can do a partial bridge or can do the movement but not move the spine segmentally.

2: Can do a bridge and move the spine segmentally.

3: Can do a bridge with segmental movement and hold for 15 seconds.


  1. One Leg Stretch Level 1:

0: Unable to perform the movement

1: Able to perform the movement (one leg at a time) but with minimal pelvic control or cannot extend the hip through the full range.

2: Able to perform the movement (one leg at a time) with good pelvic stability.

3: Able to perform the movement (reciprocal) with good pelvic stability.


  1. Overhead Reach:

0: Unable to perform the movement or can only do the movement with ribs flaring.

1: Can perform the movement in partial range of motion with minimal rib flaring.

2: Can perform the movement in partial range of motion with no rib flaring.

3: Can perform the movement in full range of motion with no rib flaring.


  1. Clams Level 1:

0: Unable to perform the movement

1: Can perform the movement but with poor pelvis control or in a partial range of motion.

2: Can perform the movement in full range of motion with good postural control.

3: Can perform the movement with a 20-second hold.


  1. Breaststroke Level 2:

0: Unable to perform the movement

1: Can perform the movement but cannot maintain neutral pelvic tilt or good neck control.

2: Can perform the movement with neutral pelvic tilt and good neck control.

3: Can perform the movement and hold the position for 15 seconds.


  1. Push-ups:

0: Unable to perform the movement

1: Can perform a wall push-up in partial range of motion.

2: Can perform a wall push-up in full range of motion or a knee push-up in partial range of motion.

3: Can perform a knee push-up in full range of motion or a full push-up.


  1. Heel Raises:

0: Unable to perform the movement

1: Can do a heel raise in a partial range of motion

2: Can do a heel raise in full range of motion

3: Can do 15 heel raises without breaks


  1. Squat:

0: Unable to perform the movement

1: Able to perform a partial squat or one in improper posture (bending forwards, arching the back, knees going over the toes).

2: Able to perform a full squat with good posture control.

3: Able to perform a full squat with good posture control and hold for 15 seconds.


  1. Roll Down:

0: Unable to perform the movement

1: Can perform a partial roll-down with difficulty, requires assistance or modifications.

2: Full roll-down but may struggle with smooth spinal articulation.

3: Complete roll-down with full control and smooth spinal articulation.


Fitness Assessment Exercises


Unable to Perform




1. Double Tabletop Prep

2. Bridging Level 1

3. One Leg Stretch Level 1

4. Overhead Reach

5. Clams Level 1

6. Breaststroke Level 2

7. Push-Ups

8. Heel Raise

9. Squat

10. Roll Down


Total Score: /30 (0–10 = Beginner, 10–20 = Intermediate, 20–30 = Advanced)