- Inpatient stay:
- Hip flexion with foot on bed (<90 degrees)
- Hip ER/IR
- Hip abduction
- Ankle movements
- Isometric quads
- Isometric hams
- Isometric glutes
- Pelvic tilts
- WEEK 0-4:
- Gait reeducation- Start with smaller steps
- Hip AROM
- Isometric quads
- Isometric glutes
- Isometric adductors
- Isometric abductors
- Isometric external rotators
- Single leg stand
- 4 point kneeling- hip ER and IR
- 4 point kneeling- hip flexion
- Bridging
- Calf raises
- 4 point kneeling- thoracic rotation
- 4 point kneeling- side flexion
- Arm openings
- Hip circumduction off the bottom step
- WEEK 4-8:
- Squats
- Wall squats
- Hip extension- prone
- 4 point kneeling- banded hip rotation
- Hip abduction in side lying
- Hip hitch off step
- Staggered bridge
- Side plank
- Sit to stand
- On leg stand on wobble board
- Stretches- Calf, quadriceps, adductors, psoas
- Step up
- WEEK 8-12:
- Single leg squat
- Single leg stretch
- Scissors
- Single leg bridge
- Side lying adductor lifts
- Single leg calf raises
- Lunges
- Resisted side steps in standing
- >12 WEEKS:
- Side plank with abduction lifts
- Multidirectional lunges
- Conpenhagen adductor strengthening
- Romanian dead lift
- Arabesque
- Dead bugs
- Hamstring bridges
- Zig-zag running
- Plyometrics
- Jumping, hopping, running