by Christopher Pettit | Jan 30, 2025 | Uncategorized
How Fast Should You Run to Hit Your Marathon Goal? Training for a marathon requires a structured approach, including understanding your target pace, building endurance, and incorporating strength and mobility exercises to stay injury-free. In this blog, we’ll explore...
by Christopher Pettit | Nov 22, 2020 | Exercise, Stretching, Tips, Treatment
If you find you sit most of the day build in some positive spinal movement to keep your neck back and shoulders happy. Here is Vicky demonstrating some nice exercises. This week adding these and a walk at lunchtime to break your seated day into two blocks, would be...
by Christopher Pettit | May 5, 2020 | Foot and Ankle Clinic, Pain, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation, Running Clinic, Tips, Treatment
The calf is made up of three muscles: Gastrocnemius Soleus Plantaris The gastrocnemius is the largest and most commonly strained muscle. It crosses three joints, knee, ankle and metatarsals in the foot. The most common place for a strain is on the middle inside...
by Christopher Pettit | Apr 28, 2020 | Rehabilitation, Strengthening, Stretching, Tips
Your body changes to adapt to the stresses you do or don’t put it under. The goal of training is to load the body in ways that cause it to adapt and develop positively towards your goals. It is this concept that led me to the name Movement Perfected. ...
by Christopher Pettit | Apr 28, 2020 | Running Clinic
4 Top Benefits of stretching Reduces muscle tension and helps relaxation, through improved circulation and oxygen exchange. It improves ease of movement, which in turn helps improve coordination through the range. Injury prevention, begin more supple, helps your...